Author Archives: admin

1975 Imperial Oil Pamphlets: Oil and the Environment

These documents are two versions of a pamphlet on “Oil and the Environment” published in the mid-1970’s by Imperial Oil Ltd., the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, presumably prepared for public distribution. The documents demonstrate Imperial’s concern with their public image, particularly public perception of their environmental impact. Their concern with environmental PR is laid out […]

1975 Imperial Oil Review of Environmental Protection Activities

This 1975 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Review of Environmental Protection Activities” undertaken by Imperial Oil Limited. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The report demonstrates Imperial’s internal concern with the growing […]

1975 Imperial Oil Report on Solar Energy Opportunities

This 1975 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report commissioned by Imperial from ADL Impact Services regarding the feasibility of various kinds of renewable energy. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. ADL’s report […]

1974 Imperial Oil Review of Environmental Protection Activities

This 1974 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Review of Environmental Protection Activities” undertaken by Imperial Oil Limited. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The report demonstrates Imperial’s internal concern with the growing […]

1973 Imperial Oil Review of Environmental Protection Activities

This 1973 document from Imperial Oil Ltd., the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Review of Environmental Protection Activities.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The document comments on early proceedings of international negotiations about environmental issues, including notes […]

1971 Imperial Oil Seminar: Economic Implications of Environmental Protection for Consumers

This 1971 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a presentation on “The Economic Implications of Environmental Protection,” particularly as they relate to stationary emissions. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The presentation includes such […]

1971 Imperial Oil Seminar: Economic Implications of Environmental Protection on Ocean Marine Transportation Crude Oil and Petroleum Products

This 1971 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a seminar on “The Economic Implications of Environmental Protection.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. This seminar is primarily concerned with the cost of various reforms […]

1971 Imperial Oil Seminar Program: The Economic Implications of Environmental Protection

This 1971 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a program for a seminar hosted by Imperial on “The Economic Implications of Environmental Protection.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The document includes biographies of […]

1971 Imperial Oil Research Requirements

This 1971 document from Imperial Oil Ltd., the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a compilation of “Imperial Oil Limited Research Requirements” as part of Imperial’s “annual planning cycle” for the programs of the Imperial Research Department. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial […]

1975 Imperial Oil Pamphlet: Exxon and the Environment

This 1975 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report on “Exxon and the Environment.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The report from Exxon includes sections on “The Environment: Whose Responsibility?” “Economics for […]