Category Archives: Cato

1999 Greening Earth Society State of the Climate Report

This 1999 “State of the Climate Report” is a collection of essays on climate change written by noted climate-denying scientists, many of whom have established financial relationships with the fossil fuel industry. The initial essays of the report present arguments that the unusually warm temperatures of recent years are not associated with climate change and […]

1997 Climate Change Debate between Patrick Michaels and Alan Robock

This is the transcript of a moderated debate between Alan Robock, a climatologist from the University of Maryland and Patrick Michaels, a climate change skeptic with long standing financial ties to the fossil fuel industry. The topic of the debate was “Must We Act Now To Avert a Climate Catastrophe?” and was part of a […]

1995 Patrick Michaels Expert Testimony for WFA Case

This testimony by Patrick Michaels, then Senior Fellow of Environmental studies at the Cato Institute, was used as expert opinion by Western Fuels Association (“WFA”) before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The hearing was in St. Paul, Minnesota to determine the environmental cost of coal burning power plants in the state. Richard Lindzen, Robert Balling, […]

1994 Nightline Special “Is Science for Sale?”

On February 24th, 1994, ABC’s Nightline aired a news segment titled, “Is Science for Sale?” Its host, Ted Koppel, explained the piece was prompted by a conversation with then Vice President Al Gore. The segment features many prominent climate change deniers including: Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, Ron Arnold of the […]

1991 CATO Climate Denial Conference Flyer and Schedule

This is an advertisement and schedule for a 1991 Cato Institute Conference titled “Global Environmental Crises: Science or Politics?”. The conference was a preemptive gathering before the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. Cato worried the upcoming Rio conference was a sign of “marching toward a new world order […]

1990 Patrick Michaels Curriculum Vitae

This is a 1990 CV for Patrick Michaels, a known climate skeptic with longstanding financial ties to the fossil fuel industry. Michaels has been an outspoken advocate for industry interests on issues relating to emissions regulation and climate change for decades – this CV documents some of his early connections with climate-denying organizations and fuel […]