Category Archives: CO2 Research Program

1982 Letter Cutting Back Exxon CO2 Greenhouse Project

Letter from Roger W. Cohen, Director of Exxon’s Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences to Peter Kimon, Exxon International Tanker Division canceling work of the CO2 Greenhouse Project on tanker “s/s Esso Atlantic” dated July 14, 1982. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1982 Exxon Memo Cutting CO2 Research Program Budget

Memo from the Exxon Science and Technology Department to CRL/CO2 Research Program reducing 1982 budget for research into the CO2 problem to be cut from $900,000 to $385,000 immediately, and to just $150,000 the following year. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1981 Exxon Memo on Possible Emission Consequences of Fossil Fuel Consumption

August 18, 1981 memo from Exxon’s Roger Cohen to Exxon’s Werner Glass with comments about Glass’ draft report on possible consequences of fossil fuel consumption out to 2030. Cohen writes that it is very likely “we will unambiguously recognize the threat by the year 2000 because of advances in climate modeling and the beginning of real […]

1981 Internal Exxon “CO2 Position Statement”

On May 15, 1981, Henry Shaw, a manager with Exxon Research & Engineering’s Technology Feasibility center, sent a “Preliminary Statement of Exxon’s Position on the Growth of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide” to Edward. E David Jr., president of the Exxon Research and Engineering Company. The inter-office correspondence outlined Exxon’s “current position on the CO2 Greenhouse effect” […]

1981 Exxon Report on Potential Climate Change Research Programs

This 1981 document contains a scoping study conducted by Exxon to determine whether the company should develop a more comprehensive research plan to address climate change and atmospheric C02 levels. In sum, the study concludes that Exxon should not expand its climate change research and development because its current programs “are adequate to serve Exxon’s […]

Climate Policy

1980 National Commission on Air Quality Carbon Dioxide Workshop

As first brought to light by Nathaniel Rich’s NYT magazine article “Losing Earth,” this document is a transcript of a 1980 meeting held by the National Commission on Air Quality (NCAQ). The meeting, requested by Congress, was held to discuss the societal implications of climate change in order to address problems “from increased carbon dioxide emissions.” […]

1980 Internal Exxon Memorandum: CO2 Greenhouse Communications Plan

July 8, 1980 memorandum with notes from N.R. Werthamer of Exxon Research and Engineering to Harold N. Weinberg detailing a draft communications plan to publicize Exxon’s scientific initiative as well as findings regarding the CO2 problem. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1980 Internal Exxon Memorandum: Greenhouse Program

June 9, 1980 internal memorandum from Exxon Research and Engineering’s H.N. Weinberg to H. Shaw and N.R. Werthamer about Exxon’s CO2 research initiative, the “Greenhouse Program.” Shaw was a manager of the Environmental Area in Exxon Research & Engineering and an early advocate for the company’s research of atmospheric CO2. Werthamer was Shaw’s boss. This […]