Category Archives: ExxonMobil

1983 J. P. McCullough presentation to the wives of Mobil managers

This document is a 1983 draft presentation given by Mobil’s J. P. McCullough to the wives of Mobil’s research and engineering managers. McCullough wants to have the wives understand a few points “behind the newspaper headlines, and the TV news pictures.” McCullough talks about acid rain and how policies to limit sulfur dioxide emissions are […]

1983 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1983 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report shows that Exxon contributed to a variety of interesting organizations, including the Center for Environmental Education and the Public Agenda Foundation.  The report reveals Exxon contributed almost $4 million to public information and policy research, and around $850,000 to environmental organizations. Share this post on […]

1982 Memo to Exxon Management about CO2 Greenhouse Effect

November 12, 1982 Exxon’s M.B. Glaser, manager of the Environmental Affairs Program, sends a memo to Exxon management on the CO2 greenhouse effect intended for the management staff to familiarize themselves with the subject. Glaser includes the April 1, 1982 “CO2 Greenhouse Effect: Technical Review” report. In Glaser’s summary to management, he writes that the […]

1982 Exxon speech “Inventing the Future: Energy and the CO2 ‘Greenhouse’ Effect”

This is a speech to a 1982 gathering of climate scientists at the Lamont-Doherty Geophysical Observatory by Dr. E. E. David, Jr., president of the Exxon Research and Engineering Company, regarding the “greenhouse effect,” i.e. climate change, and the importance of scientific research in figuring out how to respond to it – how to “invent […]

1982 Exxon Memo Summarizing Climate Modeling and CO2 Greenhouse Effect Research

September 2, 1982 Exxon’s Roger Cohen sends a memo to Exxon’s Al Natkin summarizing climate modeling research and the CO2 greenhouse effect. Cohen writes that while climate models vary widely and that there has not been a measurable change in the earth’s climate due increasing CO2, over the past several years have a “clear scientific […]

1982 Letter Cutting Back Exxon CO2 Greenhouse Project

Letter from Roger W. Cohen, Director of Exxon’s Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences to Peter Kimon, Exxon International Tanker Division canceling work of the CO2 Greenhouse Project on tanker “s/s Esso Atlantic” dated July 14, 1982. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1982 Exxon Memo Cutting CO2 Research Program Budget

Memo from the Exxon Science and Technology Department to CRL/CO2 Research Program reducing 1982 budget for research into the CO2 problem to be cut from $900,000 to $385,000 immediately, and to just $150,000 the following year. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1982 “Evolution of Mobil Public Affairs Programs” Report

This “Evolution of Mobil’s Public Affairs Programs 1970-1981” report outlines oil major Mobil Corporation’s public affairs (PA) strategy to influence opinion leaders and the public through their advertorial program, media blitzes, and think tank collaboration. First released on Amy Westervelt’s podcast Drilled, and featured in her Washington Post editorial, this document further elucidates how the fossil fuel industry convinced media […]

1982 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1982 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report shows that Exxon contributed to a variety of interesting organizations, including the Environmental Law Institute and the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.  The report reveals Exxon contributed over $3.5 million to public information and policy research, and around $800,000 to environmental organizations. Share […]