Category Archives: ExxonMobil

1980 – 1981 Imperial Oil Review of Environmental Protection Activities

This 1981 document from Imperial Oil Limited (IOL), the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Review of Environmental Protection Activities” taken by the company in the past year. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. Among the report’s findings on […]

1981 Exxon Memo on Possible Emission Consequences of Fossil Fuel Consumption

August 18, 1981 memo from Exxon’s Roger Cohen to Exxon’s Werner Glass with comments about Glass’ draft report on possible consequences of fossil fuel consumption out to 2030. Cohen writes that it is very likely “we will unambiguously recognize the threat by the year 2000 because of advances in climate modeling and the beginning of real […]

1981 Imperial Oil Report: Hydrocarbon Development in the Beaufort Sea Mackenzie Delta Region

This 1981 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report on “hydrocarbon development in the Beaufort Sea-Mackenzie Delta Region.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The report outlines a plan for increased hydrocarbon development […]

1981 Internal Exxon “CO2 Position Statement”

On May 15, 1981, Henry Shaw, a manager with Exxon Research & Engineering’s Technology Feasibility center, sent a “Preliminary Statement of Exxon’s Position on the Growth of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide” to Edward. E David Jr., president of the Exxon Research and Engineering Company. The inter-office correspondence outlined Exxon’s “current position on the CO2 Greenhouse effect” […]

1981 Imperial Oil Report on Politico-Economic Problems of Developing Alberta Tar Sands

This April 1981 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report on the “Politico-Economic Problems of Developing the Alberta Oil Sands,” written by researchers at Yale University. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The […]

1981 Exxon Report on Potential Climate Change Research Programs

This 1981 document contains a scoping study conducted by Exxon to determine whether the company should develop a more comprehensive research plan to address climate change and atmospheric C02 levels. In sum, the study concludes that Exxon should not expand its climate change research and development because its current programs “are adequate to serve Exxon’s […]

1981 Letter from Esso to Exxon- Natuna Gas Project CO2 Emissions

February 3, 1981 letter from Gilbert Gervasi, scientist at Esso Eastern to G.A. Northington, Exxon Research and Engineering regarding CO2 calculations for the Natuna Gas Project finding “the total release of CO2 from producing Natuna gas and burning of LNG manufactured from the gas would be almost twice that emitted by burning the equivalent amount […]

1981 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1981 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report shows that Exxon contributed to a variety of interesting organizations, including the Environmental Law Institute and the Center for Education and Research and Free Enterprise.  The report reveals Exxon contributed over $4 million to public information and policy research, and almost $700,000 to environmental organizations. Share […]

1980 Exxon Draft Statement and Comments on National Committee of Air Quality on Climate Change Risks and Policy Recommendations

Exxon Scientists Henry Shaw provides draft comments on the National Committee of Air Quality CO2 Workshop regarding rising levels of carbon dioxide and harmful impacts to society and the environment. These comments, dated December 5, 1980, also make policy recommendations for national and international action to reduce carbon emissions “attributed primarily to the combustion of […]