Category Archives: ExxonMobil

1996 Exxon Publication: “Global Warming: who’s right?”

Exxon Corporation’s Fall 1996 Publication, “Global warming: who’s right? Facts about a debate that’s turned up more questions than answers,” includes a statement by then Exxon CEO Lee Raymond trumping up uncertainty in the science behind global warming as well as the cost of a carbon-restricted market. Relying on economic analysis and emphasizing scientific uncertainty, […]

1996 API to White House on Greenhouse Emissions

On March 20th, 1996, American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Vice President William O’Keefe followed up with the President’s Assistant for Economic Policy after an earlier meeting. Originally uncovered by The Center for Climate Integrity, O’Keefe’s “Actions to Address Greenhouse Gas Emissions” reflects the precarious position API was in at the time: stuck between acknowledging climate change […]

1996 American Petroleum Institute book “Reinventing Energy”

Responding to the public’s awareness of anthropogenic climate change, American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 1996 “Reinventing Energy: Making the Right Choices,” supported climate denial and argued for inaction. On behalf of its corporate membership comprised of oil majors, API’s interdepartmental team of economists, government affairs staffers, and “strategic communications” experts discussed public health and environmental safety […]

1995 Mobil Foundation Statement of Grants

This document details Mobil Foundation’s grants given during 1995. The statement shows that Mobil granted money to a variety of educational and civic organizations, including the University of Delaware, MIT and Woods Hole. In total, Mobil distributed over $9 million in grant money during 1995. Notable contributions include the Environmental Education Foundation of Florida, Inc. and the Carnegie […]

1995 Imperial Oil Letter from Robert Peterson to Canadian Government Regarding the UNFCCC

This 1995 document from Imperial Oil, Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary, is a letter from Robert Peterson, Imperial’s Chairman and CEO, to then-Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien, regarding the first meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In the letter, Peterson frames the Framework Convention on Climate Change to be “as much, or […]

1995 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1995 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report details Exxon’s contributions to a variety of sectors, including the environment, public information and policy research, and education. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1994 Nightline Special “Is Science for Sale?”

On February 24th, 1994, ABC’s Nightline aired a news segment titled, “Is Science for Sale?” Its host, Ted Koppel, explained the piece was prompted by a conversation with then Vice President Al Gore. The segment features many prominent climate change deniers including: Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, Ron Arnold of the […]

1994 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1994 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report details Exxon’s contributions to a variety of sectors, including the environment, public information and policy research, and education. The report states that Exxon’s environmental contributions were designated for fostering scientific research on environmental issues. The report also shows that Exxon contributed to MIT to […]

1994 Mobil Media Op-Ed Recommendations with DDB Needham Worldwide Advertising

This 1994 document, published by advertising firm DDB Needham Worldwide, contains a media recommendation from Mobil’s Public Affairs department regarding potential advertising and media campaigns with several national and regional news publications, magazines, and periodicals. The document also contains an example of a Mobil advertisement published in Time magazine in 1993. The document shares Mobil’s “Media […]

1993 Imperial Oil Issue Summary of Global Warming and Climate Change

This 1993 document from Imperial Oil, Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary, is an “Issue Summary” of global warming and climate change policies.  The summary notes that while the “Federal government made an early commitment to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions…measures to achieve remain incomplete.”  Of particular interest in this summary are its references to a potential carbon tax, […]