Category Archives: ExxonMobil

1989 Presentation by Mobil Executive to the American Petroleum Institute’s Public Policy Committee

This 1989 document is a presentation given by Mobil’s former President of Research and Development, J. V. D’Ambrisi on July 19, 1989.  D’Ambrisi presented to the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Public Policy Committee regarding API’s HEGC Strategic Planning Process. HEGC is “responsible for the expenditure of API’s funds relating to health and environmental issues affecting the […]

1989 Public Affairs Orientation speech by Mobil’s J. V. D’Ambrisi

This document is a speech given by Mobil’s former President of Research and Development, Joseph V. D’Ambrisi, on June 8, 1989 in New York.  This speech was given at the international public affairs meeting and it focuses on the importance of using Mobil technology to develop and foster environmental policies. The speech also outlines Mobil’s new environmental […]

1989 Presentation to Exxon Board of Directors on Greenhouse Gas Effects

This presentation entitled “Potential Enhanced Greenhouse Gas Effects: Status and Outlook” was made by Duane Levine, Exxon’s manager of science and strategy development, to Exxon’s Board of Directors on February 22, 1989. The presentation evidences Exxon’s shift from a leader in climate change research to an advocate against the dissemination of climate change information in the early […]

1989 Imperial Oil Speech: Canada and Its Energy Opportunities Waiting to Happen

This 1989 document from Imperial Oil, Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary, is an address given by Imperial CEO Arden Haynes to The Empire Club of Canada. The presentation, given just a year before Canada’s “Green Plan” was published, provides insight into Imperial’s thinking about its role in environmental issues. It is of interest that this 1989 speech […]

1989 Exxon Mobil article on “Greenhouse Science”

This 1989 document contains two articles from “Connections,” a yearly publication from Exxon’s Research and Engineering Company. The first article, written by Gord Thomson, Exxon’s VP of Marketing, discuss Exxon’s technology strategy for the future. The article quotes Exxon President Bill Stevens from 1988 stating “a focused effort is underway to enhance the quality image of Exxon […]

1988 Mobil “Environmental Health and Safety Review” Presentation

This document is a 1988 presentation given by Mobil researcher J. P. McCullough at a research and engineering executive team meeting on the status of Mobil’s Environmental Health and Safety Department. In the presentation, McCullough responds to a New York Times article that suggested a sharp cut in the use of fossil fuels would help […]

1988 Exxon Memo on the Greenhouse Effect

This document, revealed through a Los Angeles Times investigation, features statements by Joseph M. Carlson, an Exxon spokesperson. In the document, Carlson states that the “greenhouse effect” may be one of the most significant environmental issues of the 1990’s and that the main greenhouse gases are by-products of fossil fuels. Carlson admits that the increase of […]

1988 Esso Presentation on Implications of Brundtland Report

This 1988 document is a slide deck presentation for the Management Committee of Esso Resources Canada Limited titled “Brundtland Report Overview/Implications.” Esso is still the Canadian trading name for ExxonMobil and its related companies, including its Canadian subsidiary company Imperial Oil Ltd. The presentation summarizes the conclusions of the 1987 Brundtland Report, written by the […]

1987 Mobil VP Herbert Schmertz speech at Fairfield University

On April 15, 1987 Mobil Vice President, Herbert Schmertz, gave a speech at Fairfield University in Connecticut titled, “Patronage that Pays.” The speech applauds Mobil’s “affinity-of-purpose” marketing strategy, a strategy to “align the company with some worthy endeavor that most of our target audience would happily endorse.” Schmertz describes Mobil’s patronage of PBS’s Masterpiece Theater as […]

1985 Exxon Presentation on Greenhouse Effect Research and Budget

This is a presentation given by Exxon Research and Engineering Company’s Brian P. Flannery, who became one of Exxon’s primary climate researchers after joining the company in 1980. His initial research for Exxon on the relationship between CO2 and climate change confirmed the results that other scientists were finding at the time, predicting that doubling […]