Category Archives: IPCC & UNFCCC

1998 American Petroleum Institute Global Climate Science Communications Team Action Plan

April 1998, American Petroleum Institute’s secret plan was leaked – the Global Climate Science Communications Plan. The plan was created just months after the Kyoto Protocol was signed in December 1997. It was developed by representatives from Exxon (specifically Randy Randol), Chevron, Southern Company and representatives from conservative and libertarian organizations. The plan includes a multimillion dollar, […]

1998 Mobil CEO Lou Noto remarks on “two sided attitude toward climate”

This video and transcript reflects Mobil Corporation CEO and Chairman Lucio “Lou” Noto’s remarks at a February 1998 Employee Forum. Released by ThinkProgress in April 2018, this speech shows Mobil’s awareness of climate change and its relationship to its products. Defending Mobil’s “two-sided attitude toward climate,” Noto maligns the Kyoto Protocol and “mandatory” regulatory measures to […]

1998 Shell Speech “Reflections on Kyoto” presented at Davos World Economic Forum

At the 1998 World Economic Forum, Royal Dutch/Shell Group’s (“Shell”) Chairman of the Committee of the Managing Directors, Cor Herkströter, delivered his “Reflections on Kyoto” to the attendees. A part of a larger group of documents unearthed by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent, this document marks an important time in Shell’s history as they reckoned […]

1997 Mobil’s Global Climate Change Brochure

Mobil Chairman, President, and CEO, Lucio Noto, releases the company’s brochure on global climate change. Language in the brochure is similar to a November 1997 document prepared by Mobil’s General Manager of Government Relations, Anthony Corso. The brochure emphasizes that manmade carbon dioxide emissions account for 3% of total carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, and […]

1997 Exxon’s Lee Raymond Speech at World Petroleum Congress

October 13, 1997, Exxon Corporation’s Lee Raymond, chairman and CEO, spoke at the World Petroleum Congress in Beijing, China. Lee Raymond was speaking two months in advance of the Third Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 3), in Kyoto, Japan. Lee Raymond said that there are parties asking for binding agreements to cut the use of […]

1997 Climate Change Debate between Patrick Michaels and Alan Robock

This is the transcript of a moderated debate between Alan Robock, a climatologist from the University of Maryland and Patrick Michaels, a climate change skeptic with long standing financial ties to the fossil fuel industry. The topic of the debate was “Must We Act Now To Avert a Climate Catastrophe?” and was part of a […]

1997 Shell Presentation “Sustainable Development – the challenge for energy”

This document is a presentation at the “Business and the Environment Programme” by John Jennings, a Shell Managing Director and Chairman of Shell Transport and Trading Company. Part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal Shell documents, this presentation shows the discord within Shell, as some […]

1996 Exxon’s Lee Raymond “Climate change: don’t ignore the facts”

In the fall of 1996, Lee R. Raymond Chairman, Exxon Corporation, had an article published in the oil company’s publication, The Lamp. The title of the article was, “Climate change: don’t ignore the facts.” Raymond wrote, “Proponents of the global warming theory say that higher levels of greenhouse gases — especially carbon dioxide — are causing […]

1997 Western Fuels Association Annual Report

In its 1997 annual report, the Western Fuels Association (WFA) attacked efforts to impose regulations on fossil fuel combustion and defended its campaigns to influence the climate change debate through lobbying and public “grassroots” activism. Written in the midst of the Kyoto protocol, this report condemned the Clinton Administration for accepting climate science and attempting […]