1995 Shell Global Scenarios 1995-2020

The “1995 Global Scenarios” documents are an incomplete set of Royal Dutch/Shell Group’s (“Shell”) analysis of the “pre-determined … forces of globalisation, liberalisation, and technology.” A part of a larger collection maintained by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal Shell documents, these Global Scenarios are the beginning of a longer trend […]

1995 Shell Internal Report “Is Climate Change Occurring Already?”

This is a 1995 analysis by Shell International B.V. scientist Peter Langcake of whether climate change was in fact underway and if, as some scientists were suggesting, a “signal” had been detected showing human influence on climate from temperature, weather, polar ice melt and other data. This document is a part of a larger collection […]

1995 Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper on Securing the Future

This paper, “Securing the Future – in Partnership with the Environment” was selected by a program committee of the Society for Petroleum Engineers for presentation at the Offshore Europe 1995 Conference and Exhibition. A part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal oil and gas industry […]

1995 GCC “Additional Correspondence to Administration Officials” Memorandum

This 1995 document is a memorandum from the Global Climate Coalition’s media representative, Jane Agate, to “Editors and Environmental Reporters.” The GCC was a industry-funded organization which opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining […]

1995 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 3 Issue 4

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) 1995 March/April Climate Watch Bulletin. The bulletins generally updated readers on climate change policy and science developments. The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated […]

1995 Patrick Michaels Expert Testimony for WFA Case

This testimony by Patrick Michaels, then Senior Fellow of Environmental studies at the Cato Institute, was used as expert opinion by Western Fuels Association (“WFA”) before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The hearing was in St. Paul, Minnesota to determine the environmental cost of coal burning power plants in the state. Richard Lindzen, Robert Balling, […]

1995 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 3 Issue 3

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) 1995 May/June Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 3 Issue 3). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]

1995 Shell Briefing Service “Energy in Profile”

This document is a part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal Royal Dutch/Shell Group (“Shell”) documents. Interested in more Shell documents? Full index here.

1995 Shell Venster (Shell Window) magazine

This document, a part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal Royal Dutch/Shell Group (“Shell”) documents, is a principally Dutch publication dealing with fossil fuel consumption and climate change. Interested in more Shell documents? Full index of this trove here.

1995 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 3 Issue 2

The Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) 1995 March/April Climate Watch Bulletin was a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. GCC bulletins generally […]