1994 GCC Nightline Climate Press Office Mailing

This 1994 Global Climate Coalition (GCC) letter to journalists encouraged coverage of ABC’s Nightline piece, “Is Science for Sale?” The special covered the work and funding of climate science deniers often cited by the GCC. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. […]

1994 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 2 Issue 3

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) March 1994 Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 2 Issue 3). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]

1994 GCC Scientific Uncertainty News Release

This Global Climate Coalition (GCC) letter to journalists covered two TIME articles about climate change, one from 1989 and another from 1994. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. The […]

1994 Nightline Special “Is Science for Sale?”

On February 24th, 1994, ABC’s Nightline aired a news segment titled, “Is Science for Sale?” Its host, Ted Koppel, explained the piece was prompted by a conversation with then Vice President Al Gore. The segment features many prominent climate change deniers including: Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, Ron Arnold of the […]

1994 GCC Board Member List and Background Information

From the private collection of Nicky Sundt, a Washington-based climate change science, policy and communications expert, this document is a packet of various Global Climate Coalition (GCC) materials titled, “Background Information on the Global Climate Coalition.” The packet includes an overview of the GCC, a membership list, and six different “Backgrounder” and “News Release” publications […]

1994 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 2 Issue 2

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) February 1994 Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 2 Issue 2). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]

1994 Shell Speech “Environmental action – a shared responsibility”

This speech, “Environmental action – a shared responsibility,” was delivered by then Managing Director of Mark Moody Stewart at the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ second international conference on “health, safety, and the environment in oil and gas exploration and production.” A part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a […]

1994 GCC Greenland Ice Study News Release

This document is a 1994 letter from John Shlaes, Executive Director of the Global Climate Coalition (GCC), addressed to “Dear Journalist.” Attached to the letter are two stories, which Shlaes says provide “the rest of the story” about a study of ice cores done at the time. Shlaes states that “the initial conclusion of the […]

1994 Shell Briefing Service on population, energy and environment

This 1994 briefing document, intended for inter-company distribution, covers the relationship between population, energy, and environment. A part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal Royal Dutch/Shell Group (“Shell”) documents, this sheds light on the company’s realized global impacts of climate change and future energy demand. […]

1994 Shell Briefing Service “Renewable Energy”

This 1994 briefing document, intended for inter-company distribution, covers Royal Dutch/Shell Group’s “Shell” renewable energy projects. While optimistic about the futures of renewables, Shell is sure to point out that they, too, are not “free from environmental problems.” Overall, it marks the breadth of Shell’s research and exposure to renewable sources of energy. This document […]