1994 GCC “Issues and Options: Potential Global Climate Change”

This document is a report by the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) titled, “Issues & Options: Potential Global Climate Change.” The GCC was an industry-funded organization that opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. […]

Western Fuels Association

1994 Western Fuels Association Annual Report

In this segment of the Western Fuel Association’s (WFA) 1994 annual report, the association discussed their opposition to the “madness surrounding policy prescriptions emanating from the global warming debate.” Highlighting WFA’s priorities at the time, this report defined the association’s business in two parts: “delivering coal at the lowest possible cost to our members” and […]

1994 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1994 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report details Exxon’s contributions to a variety of sectors, including the environment, public information and policy research, and education. The report states that Exxon’s environmental contributions were designated for fostering scientific research on environmental issues. The report also shows that Exxon contributed to MIT to […]

1994 Mobil Media Op-Ed Recommendations with DDB Needham Worldwide Advertising

This 1994 document, published by advertising firm DDB Needham Worldwide, contains a media recommendation from Mobil’s Public Affairs department regarding potential advertising and media campaigns with several national and regional news publications, magazines, and periodicals. The document also contains an example of a Mobil advertisement published in Time magazine in 1993. The document shares Mobil’s “Media […]

1994 (ca.) GCC “It’s Cooler Than You Think”

This Global Climate Coalition document provides talking points to rebut growing public concern over global warming. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. The GCC relied heavily on the idea […]

1994 (ca.) GCC Press Office Available Materials

This document reflects the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) “Available Materials” for dissemination. The GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. The document lists seven “Backgrounders,” five reports, copies of testimony submitted to […]

GCC “Biographical Profile: John B. Shlaes” Backgrounder

This Global Climate Coalition (GCC) backgrounder and corresponding biography reflect GCC Executive Director John Shlaes’ career. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. Shlaes was appointed to the position in […]

1993 Imperial Oil Issue Summary of Global Warming and Climate Change

This 1993 document from Imperial Oil, Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary, is an “Issue Summary” of global warming and climate change policies.  The summary notes that while the “Federal government made an early commitment to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions…measures to achieve remain incomplete.”  Of particular interest in this summary are its references to a potential carbon tax, […]

1993 GCC Supporting Voluntary Approach News Release

This document is a November 16, 1993 news release from the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) regarding the testimony of Jerry Jasinowski, chairman of the GCC and President of the National Association of Manufacturers, before the House Energy and Power Subcommittee. The GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers […]

1993 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 1 Issue 11

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) November 1993 Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 1 Issue 12). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]