1993 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 1 Issue 8

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) July/August 1993 Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 1 Issue 8). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]

1993 GCC White House Chief of Staff Letter

This document is a July 19, 1993 letter from John Shlaes, Executive Director of the Global Climate Coalition (GCC), to Thomas F. McLarty, the Chief of Staff to the President. The letter was cc’d to the Interagency Climate Change Mitigation Group and the Interagency Analysis Team. The GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement […]

1993 GCC National Action Plan Letter to DOE

This document is a July 8, 1993 letter from John Shlaes, Executive Director of the Global Climate Coalition, to Abe Haspel, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic and Environmental Policy at the Department of Energy. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. […]

1993 Mobil Budget Recommendation Proposal for 1994

This 1993 document titled “Research, Engineering and Environmental Affairs 1994 Mobil Foundation Grant Recommendations” contains Mobil’s budget recommendations for the following year. The document reveals that Mobil intended to give money to several notable organizations, including the National Research Council and the Center for Environmental Studies. The document also shows that Mobil donated up to $15,000 to […]

1993 Mobil Foundation Grant Recommendations For 1994 Budget

In June and July 1993, Mobil’s Research, Engineering, and Environmental Affairs department put together their 1994 foundation grant recommendations. The booklet includes the organization, amount of the proposed grant, purpose of the grant, and details for each grant the “benefits to Mobil.” Here are some telling revelations into how Mobil viewed contributions from its foundation: Mobil […]

1993 GCC Patrick Michaels “Benign Greenhouse” News Release

This Global Climate Coalition (GCC) document is a letter from GCC Executive Director John Shlaes to journalists in response to a Washington Post article, in which climate denier Patrick Michaels and climate scientist James Hansen were interviewed about their views regarding natural warming and computer modeling.  The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct […]

1993 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 1 Issue 7

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) June 1993 Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 1 Issue 7). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]

1993 GCC Response to Clinton Earth Day Pledge News Release and Attachments

This Global Climate Coalition (GCC) letter to reporters attacked, at the time, recent national discussions concerning the regulation of greenhouse gases. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. GCC uses […]

1993 GCC Climate Watch Bulletin Vol. 1 Issue 6

This document is the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) May 1993 Climate Watch Bulletin (Volume 1 Issue 6). The bulletins were a part of GCC’s larger mission to oppose greenhouse gas regulations and contest the scientific validity of anthropogenic climate change through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers. Its membership spanned across the automotive, […]

1993 GCC Media Hits

These press clippings were preserved by the Global Climate Coalition (GCC). The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the automotive, utility, manufacturing, petroleum, and mining industries. The first article, “Satellite vs. Surface: Two Points of View on Global […]