1992 Shell Briefing Service “Managing Energy Efficiently”

This 1992 briefing document, intended for inter-company distribution, covers Shell’s attempts to “Managing Energy Efficiently.” Acknowledging an “increasing concern at the environmental consequences of burning fossil fuels,” the company discusses its “energy efficiency plan.” This document is a part of a larger collection discovered by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal […]

1992 Report on Exxon’s Financial Contributions

This 1992 document contains Exxon’s financial contributions for the year. The report details Exxon’s contributions to a variety of sectors, including the environment, public information and policy research, and education. The report states that Exxon’s environmental contributions were designated for conducting scientific research and promoting public policy. The report also shows that Exxon contributed to […]

1991 GCC Interested Parties Information

This document is a 1991 Global Climate Coalition memorandum addressed to “interested parties” from John Cohen of National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the trade association within which the GCC started. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with affiliated climate deniers from 1989 to 2002. Its membership spanned across the […]

1991 Imperial Oil Report: Potential for CO2 Reductions From Additional Energy Efficiency

This May 1991 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report on “The Potential for CO2 Reductions From Additional Energy Efficiency.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. This report is part of a series […]

1991 Imperial Oil Preliminary Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This document from Imperial Oil, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Preliminary Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions” from May, 1991. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. This report, published by Esso Resources Canada Limited (ERCL) fulfills a commitment […]

1991 CATO Climate Denial Conference Flyer and Schedule

This is an advertisement and schedule for a 1991 Cato Institute Conference titled “Global Environmental Crises: Science or Politics?”. The conference was a preemptive gathering before the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. Cato worried the upcoming Rio conference was a sign of “marching toward a new world order […]

1991 Information Council for the Environment Climate Denial Ad Campaign

This compilation of documents contains information regarding the group Information Council for the Environment (also known as Informed Citizens for the Environment) or ICE, which was formed in 1991 to “reposition global warming as theory (not fact).” This collection reveals a public relations campaign run by Simmons advertising that tested target audiences in Fargo, ND, Flagstaff, […]

1991 Imperial Oil Discussion Paper on Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide

This April 1991 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report on “Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. This report is part of a series of research papers produced […]

1991 Imperial Oil Discussion Paper on Air Quality

This 1991 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Discussion Paper on Air Quality.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The paper deals primarily “with the air quality issues of ground-level ozone, acid rain […]