1970 Imperial Oil Report: Today’s Climate of Canadian Concern About Pollution

This October 1970 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is an analysis of “Today’s climate of Canadian concern about pollution and its actionable significance in response to Standard’s ‘F-310’ and to ‘lead free gas,’” conducted by the research group Albert Shepard Associates. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil […]

1954 Imperial Oil Experiences in Corrosion Control on a Products Pipe Line

This 1954 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a speech by A.R. Murdison, presented to the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, regarding corrosion control efforts on the “Sarnia Products Pipe Line.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial […]

1967 Imperial Oil Air/Water Pollution in Canada: a Public Relations Assessment

This 1967 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a “Public Relations Assessment for Imperial Oil Limited” concerning “Air/Water Pollution in Canada.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The report includes sections on “Public Attitudes […]

1970 Imperial Oil report, “Pollution Is Everybody’s Business”

Details found in a 1970 report, “Pollution Is Everybody’s Business,” authored by H.R. Holland, a Chemical Engineer responsible for environmental protection in Imperial Oil’s engineering division, suggests Exxon was aware as early as the late 1960s that global emissions of CO2 from combustion was a chief pollution concern affecting global ecology. Holland wrote: “Since pollution means disaster to the […]

1967 API Public Opinion Survey on Air and Water Pollution

A 1967 survey conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute to gauge the public’s understanding of water and air pollution and their respective attitudes toward industry accountability. The API interprets the survey to reflect that the “public at large” is unaware of what industry is doing to reduce pollution and that, as a result, […]

1965 API President “Meeting the Challenges of 1966”

This document, uncovered by Benjamin Franta in a letter to the Editor of Nature, contains the annual remarks of the American Petroleum Institute’s (“API”) President, Frank Ikard. Delivered in 1965, Ikard was preparing the oil industry for the challenges in the coming year. Significant for his acknowledgement of the 1965 Science Advisory Committee report (“Report”) that highlighted climate change and carbon emission hazards, Ikard worried of the industry’s challenges as they “grow in number, size, and complexity year by year.” In the face of The Water Quality Act, Clean Air Act amendment, and local regulations addressing pollution, Ikard said “[i]t takes no crystal ball to see that our involvement in government matters will intensify in the year ahead.”

1965 President’s Science Advisory Committee Report on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

“Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” is a comprehensive report by President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Science Advisory Committee which warns of the impacts of pollution and humanity’s role in addressing the future. The panel suggests “economic incentives to discourage pollution” in which “special taxes would be levied against polluters.” The Committee reports on a wide […]

1961 Esso Standard Report on the Petroleum Industries’ Air Pollution Control Program

This document is a 1961 report by G.A. Lloyd, the coordinator of public affairs for Esso Standard of ExxonMobil titled “The Petroleum Industries’ Air Pollution Control Program.”  Lloyd was also the chairman of the Information Committee of the American Petroleum Institute’s Smoke and Fumes Committee. In this piece, Lloyd details API’s air pollution research, which, […]

1959 Shell “The Earth’s Carbon Cycle” Article

This article by Shell International Chemical Company’s Dr. M. A. Matthews, “The Earth’s Carbon Cycle,” was featured in the October 1959, Volume 6 Number 151 edition of the weekly publication The New Scientist. A rebuttal to Dr. Edward Teller’s 1957 address to the American Chemical Society, this piece shows the interest and attention the oil […]